DfMA in Action
DfMA & Offsite Prefabrication
Ibsecad have been delivering DfMA and Prefabrication solutions during MEP co-ordination for the past 20 years. Our experience in the many different sectors means we are always striving to bring new innovations to each Project.
Our Leeds team recently visited the SES Prism Factory to see the first batch of our Battersea Phase 2 Boilerhouse Core Prefabricated Risers come off the production line.
Ibsecad have been developing the Office Shell & Core M&PH Contract for SES to LOD400 - We were also able to offer the Stage 5 LOD500 Prefabricated Shop Drawings to SES Prism given our previous experience on other schemes for them.
Antony Henson & Chris Whelan visited the offices where the SES Prism team had built one of the Boilerhouse Core prototypes, even after all our years in the industry we are always keen to understand the procedure involved during the manufacturing process in a factory environment and walk round the facilities.
SES/PRISM, Ibsecad Ashford & Ibsecad Leeds have all been working closely as a team in order to get these risers to a completed state. We thank the guys at PRISM for allowing us their time & expertise.